Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica
Print version ISSN 1809-6867
SILVA, Sandra Souza da et al. The meaning of being a portuguese language teacher in a public school: a phenomenological research. Rev. abordagem gestalt. [online]. 2014, vol.20, n.1, pp.31-40. ISSN 1809-6867.
Modern age points out the historical moment in which School assumes the current configuration, regarding expectations of teachers' performances. These have been the aim of several researches, frequently detecting sickening processes, exposition to violence and depreciation of the profession, worsened when it comes to Public Schools' sphere. Considering the Portuguese language teaching central to students' formation, according to the guidelines of Law 9394/1996 (LDB) and the National Education Parameters (PCN), it wonders the meaning of being a teacher in a Public School. Six Portuguese language teachers of a Public School in João Pessoa took part in the research; five of them were female. The method picked was the sense's versions (SV), using the question-stimulus: "What was the meaning of this class to me?", answered by each teacher at the end of eight classes, totaling 48 SV. Sixteen axes direction were identified, divided in two groups. The first one focusing the relational context and the other one focusing the political-social structure and docent activity. Both positive and negative aspects were noticed permeating the analysis axis such as satisfaction with the profession, concerns with the students' formation and dissatisfaction with the educational policies.
Keywords : Teacher; Public school; Phenomenology.