Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica
Print version ISSN 1809-6867
COSTA, Breno Augusto da. Daseinsanalysis and psychotherapy in Brazil: an integrative literature review. Rev. abordagem gestalt. [online]. 2017, vol.23, n.2, pp.175-188. ISSN 1809-6867.
Daseinsanalysis is a psychotherapeutic school developed by Medard Boss grounded in the heideggerian thought. Considering the need for characterizing the Latin-American production in existential psychotherapy this study was developed aiming to elaborate a general framework of the Brazilian production in daseinsanalysis. This is an integrative literature review from the Brazilian journal "Revista Daseinsanalyse". The theoretical influences, psychotherapy goals and the therapist's attitudes were highlighted. The Brazilian daseinsanalysis literature finds in the heideggerian thought its major influence but also is founded in other existentialists. The psychotherapy goals points out to the unveiling of meanings, a new comprehension of the patient attunement and the promotion of the patient's existential freedom. The therapist posture includes embracement, proximity and acceptance towards the patient. The therapist must possess a clinical perspective and clarify the patient's experiences. The integrative interpretation shows a dispersion of goals and therapists attitudes converging towards the care of the being, as daseinsanalysis is a therapeutic practice in the primordial meaning of the term. The paper shows as new perspective the possibility of the deseinsanalitic thought to be a foundation to harm reduction.
Keywords : Daseinsanalysis; Psychotherapy; Boss; Heidegger; Harm reduction.