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Pesquisas e Práticas Psicossociais
versão On-line ISSN 1809-8908
CORTEZ, Pedro Afonso; SAMMUR, Jullie Tenório Ed Din; SOUZA, Marcus Vinícius Rodrigues de e LESSA, João Paulo Araújo. Fashion and Work as a Practice of Social Exclusion: a Review of Brazilian Academic Literature. Pesqui. prát. psicossociais [online]. 2021, vol.16, n.1, pp.1-18. ISSN 1809-8908.
Fashion is a polysemic social construction and may imply social exclusion to different social actors. For this reason, we aimed to identify the impacts of the fashion industry on personnel identity, work contexts and social organization, with the intention of fostering psychosocial practices capable of lowering the occurrence of social exclusion. We retrieved nine papers by the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) database. We found that the studies were produced predominantly through the qualitative method with interdisciplinary collaborations between the humanities and social sciences. In general, we also realized the fashion industry associated with precarious work contexts, permeated by the identity annihilation of minorities such as women, indigenous and immigrants, who tend to be subjected to unsatisfactory psychosocial practices that must be improved through the promotion of equitable ideas and inclusive practices in multiple contexts.
Palavras-chave : Fashion; Genre; Social exclusion; Discrimination at work; Labour.