Serviços Personalizados
Psicologia para América Latina
versão On-line ISSN 1870-350X
SOARES, Adriana Benevides; CAVALIERI, Alda Maria Angelina Pedrosa; TEIXEIRA, Tereza Cristina Coutinho Corrêa e GARCIA, Tatiana Camboim. As concepções implícitas de professores acerca de resolução de problemas. Psicol. Am. Lat. [online]. 2007, n.9. ISSN 1870-350X.
This work has for objective to identify the implicit conceptions of teachers of the different areas of the knowledge that act in the Basic Education concerning resolution of problems, the necessary characteristics to a good resolver of problems, as well as the strategies to decide problems. 320 professors of the following areas of the knowledge had participated of the study: accurate sciences, natural sciences, human sciences and professionals of the area of Letters. The used methodology was the analysis of content of Bardin (1977), where the answers had been categorized by units of signification and entered its frequency. It was observed that the results disclose great concern of the professors with the cognitive aspect that involves problems resolutions, evidenced in the answers to all the questions, confirming the estimated theoreticians of the specialists.
Palavras-chave : Problems Resolutions; Implicit Conceptions; Teachers.