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Psicologia para América Latina

On-line version ISSN 1870-350X


SIMOES, Regina Barbosa Fernandes. A recusa histérica à satisfação do desejo. Psicol. Am. Lat. [online]. 2007, n.11. ISSN 1870-350X.

Psychoanalysis demonstrates the importance of the connection between theory and clinical cases, both rich in teachings on the various forms of psychic suffering, even promoting an interchange of experiences between researchers of the subject. The study of this clinical case critically approaches the question of the desire, which for the hysteric is beyond its own demands, therefore nothing can be given to the hysteric with the purpose of stopping constant and unbearable amount of complaints. Bringing along with it, characteristics to the ideal of perfection, the idealistic speech, the mark of insufficiency as the hysterical shows that there is no knowledge to deal with sexuality, and inevitably lives in a disguised state of non-satisfaction that is not restricted solely to the sexual life, but it is extended for the entire life. The more unsatisfied a hysterical is, the more protected from the threat of joy, which can be a risk of disintegration and madness.

Keywords : Desire; Hysteria; Sexuality.

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