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Psicologia para América Latina
versão On-line ISSN 1870-350X
VIDAL, Manola. Sobre a gravidez subseqüente a morte perinatal: a síndrome da criança de substituição. Psicol. Am. Lat. [online]. 2008, n.13. ISSN 1870-350X.
Objective: To investigate the maternal mood after premature childbirth in its relation with the syndromes of the “Baby of substitution” and of the “Vulnerable Child” from the hypothesis of that the process of humanização of assistance in unit of intensive treatment does not take in account the especificidade of the singular experience of each mother. Method: It is part of the work carried through during the course of Doutorado in Health of the Woman, (FIOCRUZ-Institute Fernandes Figueira) that it used of the qualitative method of research in health for the construction of histories of life through the techniques of opened, not directive interviews, and participant comment. The field work after consisted of the accompaniment of the double mother-baby during the internment and six months high the hospital one. The sample of the selected citizens was carried through from the relative criterion to the accompaniment for 24hs of internments with equal or superior duration the 30 days. This article if relates to one of four histories of constructed lives. Result: The inquiry of the hypothesis allowed a deepening in the understanding on the state of maternal mood from the knowledge on the influence that the situation of perinatal death possesss in the subsequent gestations. It resulted in suggestions on the necessity of implementation of mechanisms of listening to the team of professionals in perinatal health, who facilitated to the solidary understanding to the meaning of the maternal accompaniment the hospital internment, as well as the difficulties of ingression and interaction mother-baby in domestic environment.
Palavras-chave : Substitution baby; Vulnerable child; Perinatal death; Pregnancy of risk.