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Psicologia para América Latina

On-line version ISSN 1870-350X


CUEVAS - RAMIREZ, Carlos  and  RAMOS - MARTIN, Diana. Communication, subjectivity and linking on the supervision of graduate projects. Psicol. Am. Lat. [online]. 2017, n.29, pp.23-39. ISSN 1870-350X.

Within the academic aspects of training in researching practices during the last year of the Psychology program at Universidad Santo Tomás; a graduate project has been conceived as a process of accompaniment between the students and their supervising professors. This process is mediated by a set of relational configurations, which are designed to enhance, both, the students' and their supervisors' research abilities. It is presumed that these relational configurations and their communicative, subjective and linking dimensions will contribute to expanding the vision from a one-dimensional relationship between an "expert" and a student to a multidimensional relationship where both parts interact under a supervision context. Therefore, this multidimensional (ecological) relationship will be recognized as the supervision environment in this paper. This paper presents an exercise, at several observation/meta-observation levels, conducted through supervisions of four graduate projects from the first semester of 2013 to the end of the first semesters of 2014. In it, to identify the co-created links between the students and their supervising professors; communication and subjectivity were used as explanatory categories. Communication and subjectivity were selected to visualize the temporal and spatial operators, which aid to comprehend the links built under the supervision environment. The methodology applied was the systemic modeling and the second-order qualitative research. The results obtained enabled the construction of supervision aspects and the ways of establishing heterarchical and solidary communications, in which the subjective readings of reality enrich the researching processes of the students and their supervising professors.

Keywords : Communication; Subjectivity; Linking; Supervision; Accompaniment Researching Practices; Relationship; Graduate Project.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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