Servicios Personalizados
Psicologia para América Latina
versión On-line ISSN 1870-350X
VIEIRA-SANTOS, Joene y HENKLAIN, Marcelo Henrique Oliveira. Instruments with psychometric evidence to evaluate college teachers' performance: literature review. Psicol. Am. Lat. [online]. 2020, n.34, pp.143-158. ISSN 1870-350X.
The aim of this study was to identify Brazilian instruments to assess the performance of college teachers. A literature review was performed from the Scielo, Pepsic and Portal of Periodicals of CAPES. Two groups of descriptors were used: (a) scale, inventory, questionnaire, instrument, checklist, and assessment; (b) professor and teacher. In the databases a pair of descriptors was used at a time, associated by the logical operator AND. We found 24 instruments that, in general, presented the Cronbach's Alpha as evidence of reliability and evidence of validity related to content and internal structure. Future studies on the construction and adaptation of psychometric measures to assess teacher performance must define precisely the constructs and expand the investigated psychometric evidence, involving studies of criterion validity. This study contributed to the identification of the instruments that scientists and educators have at their disposal in Brazil, as well as to the proposition of investigations that are necessary to improve the evaluation of college teachers.
Palabras clave : Faculty; Instruments; Teacher performance assessment; Higher Education; Psychometric evidence.