Print version ISSN 1980-2005
CAMPOS, Ronny Francy. Contemporaneous ethic: the 60's and the project of humanist psychology. Epistemo-somática [online]. 2006, vol.3, n.2, pp.242-262. ISSN 1980-2005.
ABOUT ETHIC IN PSYCHOLOGY: The humanist psychology project can, as I see it, be perfectly understood as an ally in the struggle against dehumanization, oppression, injustice, as well as one of the possible ways to oppose the abuses of the regime. It is necessary to recognize that the humanist psychology stands out in the history of psychology especially from the moment he introduces a new proposal of human approach. His ideas point to the fact that, given the difficulty of psychology at that moment (the 60s) in dealing with social and political problems, an alternative could be to focus exclusively on the person.
Keywords : Ethic; Contemporaeous ethic; The history of psychology; Humanist psychology; Carl Rogers; The 60s; The person centered approach.