Servicios Personalizados
versión impresa ISSN 1980-2005
SOARES, Anamarina de Oliveira y LOBO, Rosa Carla de Mendonça Melo. From the imaginary to the symbolic one's falling-apart face cancerous diseases. Epistemo-somática [online]. 2007, vol.4, n.1, pp.41-49. ISSN 1980-2005.
Men are inserted nowadays into a so-called narcissistic society, where having everything and being capable of anything are the rules imposed by this contemporary world. However, when it comes to facing illnesses, one falls apart and realizes the things he really lacks. This article has tried to emphasize the importance of the psychoanalysts researches inside the hospital environment, with the purpose of giving the patient the possibility of talking about his lifes history, instead of only relating the history of his disease. Taking information from two other researches about the beliefs regarding the sickening and healing processes in cancerous patients, this present project has intended to build the possibility to contemplate subjects such as the castration, the narcissism and the masculinity/femininity representations. The main aim was to demonstrate the approach possibility between the empirical research, which is represented by the scientific-denial-of-the-subjectivism speech, and the psychoanalytic research, which has the ability of sustaining ones psychic attendance, and to contribute to the gathering and use of the many available forms of knowledge. This tends to possibilitate a much efficient intervention from the multi-professional crew.
Palabras clave : Research; Psychoanalysis; Science; Cancer.