Revista Brasileira de Psicologia do Esporte
On-line version ISSN 1981-9145
DIAS, Mariana Hollweg and TEIXEIRA, Marco Antônio Pereira. Exploratory study about the abandonment of the sport in young tennis players. Rev. bras. psicol. esporte [online]. 2007, vol.1, n.1, pp.01-18. ISSN 1981-9145.
This study tried to investigate possible factors to be associated with the intention of abandonment of the sport among young athletes, with the intention of obtaining data that eventually could be used for the understanding of the phenomenon or even to subsidize preventive interventions. An instrument was created for this study, where it was requested information on the sporting practice and it investigated several thoughts and feelings in relation to the practice of the tennis (including thoughts of abandonment). They were found significant correlations between the variable thoughts of abandonment and the following variables: number of hours a week (negative correlation), goals not reached, smaller concern with the results, collections on the part of parents and trainers which the athletes don't know if they will get to reach, the fact of they feel her less valued by the trainer than the friends, of they be not more feeling pleasure in and will of going to the trainings and still the lack of resource financier.
Keywords : Sport Psychology; Young athletes; Tennis; Abandon of the sport.