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Revista Brasileira de Psicologia do Esporte

On-line version ISSN 1981-9145


SILVA, Mônica d'Fátima Freires da. Sports Psychology in the "conuncils" context. Rev. bras. psicol. esporte [online]. 2007, vol.1, n.1, pp.01-11. ISSN 1981-9145.

The aim is to show how sports psychology is organized and structured in Brazil, and to propose an institutional psychology of sport. This article is a synthesis of a study developed for the conclusion of the specialization course in Sports Psychology in 2005. The methodology used was a bibliographical review of administrative arrangements for sports, including documents from the São Paulo Regional Council of Psychology (local acronym CRP-SP) and a survey of work by psychologists active in this field published for the 5th National Congress of Psychology, the 1st Brazilian Congress of Psychology: Science and Profession, the 1st Latin American Congress of Psychology, and the 30th Inter-American Congress of Psychology. The point of departure was to conceive a study with the ability to be reflexive. Analysis of this material shows that there are as yet few professionals identified with the field, perhaps because courses are short and the labor market is hard to enter. On the other hand, there is a gradual rise in involvement in terms of sports psychology conferences and publications.

Keywords : Sports psychology in Brazil; Professional practice; Specialization in psychology of sport.

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