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vol.4 número1Ensino Público e Privado: Comparando Representações Sociais de Professores sobre suas Habilidades índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Psicologia em Pesquisa

versión On-line ISSN 1982-1247


BAPTISTA, Makilim Nunes; CARNEIRO, Adriana Munhoz  y  SISTO, Fermino Fernandes. Psychometric Study of Depression Scales (EDEP and BDI) and the Inventory of Perceived Family Support (IPFS). Psicol. pesq. [online]. 2010, vol.4, n.1, pp.65-73. ISSN 1982-1247.

This research aimed to find evidence of validity for a set of descriptors initially titled Depression Scale-EDEP in relation to other variables, which were the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and the Inventory of Perceived Family Support (IPSF) and show how the gender, marital status, age and education of household head contribute to these relations. Data collection resulted in a total of 165 university students from the law school and nursing in the state of Sao Paulo, aged between 18 and 52 years (M = 24.6, SD = 6.74). Analyses were performed by the parametric analysis, which denoted good and positive correlations between EDEP and BDI as well as weak and negative correlations between EDEP and IPFS. This showed that the EDEP shows up as a promising tool in the setting of psychological testing. Since this was a study to only one type of evidence of validity, it is suggested that further research be conducted with EDEP in order to evaluate other evidence of validity.

Palabras clave : Validity; depression; psychological tests; family.

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