Services on Demand
Psicologia em Pesquisa
On-line version ISSN 1982-1247
MORAES, Maristela; MONTENEGRO, Marisela; MEDRADO, Benedito and ROMANI, Oriol. The challenges of harm reduction as a public policy related to drugs in Brazil. Psicol. pesq. [online]. 2015, vol.9, n.2, pp.148-158. ISSN 1982-1247.
The implementation of harm reduction public policies in Brazil has been discussed in many studies. We approached the main tensions in this fild based on the analysis of 15 documents related to health policies in Brazil. We discussed that harm reduction appears as a clinical-political method and as an emancipatory perspective that stresses the knowledge-power instituted in the fild of drugs. However, at the level of public policies, harm reduction indicates the existence of conflcts, whether by uncertainty of who actually operates the policy or is responsible for implementing it, or whether by diffilty of carrying out the intended project of emancipating the subjects.
Keywords : drugs; harm reduction; public health policies.