Psicologia em Pesquisa
On-line version ISSN 1982-1247
BORGES, Claudia Daiana; JESUS, Luciana Oliveira de and SCHNEIDER, Daniela Ribeiro. Prevention and health promotion: an integrative review of drugs research. Psicol. pesq. [online]. 2018, vol.12, n.2, pp.5-13. ISSN 1982-1247.
Health care models that guide the understanding of health and disease process support different notions of prevention and health promotion. The aim of this paper was to investigate the landscape of scientific production through an integrative review of prevention and health promotion in studies of drugs in Brazil. The descriptors “prevention”, “promotion” and “drug” were used in the Virtual Health Library – Brazil. Eight articles matched the inclusion criteria for this study and were examined in details. The studies were predominantly quantitative and had as participants adolescents. The concepts of prevention and promotion were not explicitly discussed in any article, requiring the analysis of these from the results presented and the theoretical and methodological perspective guiding the studies.
Keywords : health promotion; prevention; drugs.