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Revista Estudos Lacanianos
versão impressa ISSN 1983-0769
BAAS, Bernard. Don Giovanni and the voices of desire. Rev. Estud. Lacan. [online]. 2010, vol.3, n.4, pp.p-pp. ISSN 1983-0769.
The present work holds as its main purpose to point out Don Juan’s musical-desiring essence. Having that in mind, this study will privilege Mozart’s figuration - musical par excellence - of the character: Don Giovanni. The interpretations to be made will consider specially Kierkegaard’s and Lacan’s analysis of Don Juan. A critical revision of the literature concerning the theme will take place as well, in order to, among other things, rule out the moralizing readings of the character.
Palavras-chave : Don Giovanni; Desire and music; Femininity; Kierkegaard; Lacan.