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Revista Estudos Lacanianos
versão impressa ISSN 1983-0769
FILHO, Jorge A. Pimenta. "Negar é no fundo querer recalcar”: notas a partir da leitura do texto Die VerneinungTo deny is deep down wanting to repress: notes from the reading of Freud’s Die Verneinung. Rev. Estud. Lacan. [online]. 2010, vol.3, n.4, pp.p-pp. ISSN 1983-0769.
From the concept of negativity, the author reads Freud’s Die Verneinung based on Jacques Lacan’s teaching, who in his return to Freud locates and distinguishes the elements of language which will stand out as criteria for the structural approach
Palavras-chave : Negativities and structure; Behajung; Verneinung; Verdrängung; Verwerfung.