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Revista Estudos Lacanianos
versão impressa ISSN 1983-0769
DE PAULA, Janaina Rocha. Pascal Quignard: the silence, the noise, the word on the tip of one’s tongue. Rev. Estud. Lacan. [online]. 2010, vol.3, n.4, pp.p-pp. ISSN 1983-0769.
The present article aims to analyze Pascal Quignard’s writings through the notions of translation and transposition as presented by Alain Badiou. Quignard’s treaties outlined in the books La Haine de la musique and Le nom sur le bout de la langue present a displacement produced by the loss in and of language, responsible for installing a permanent body tension. Such body tension is perceived by the subject as deadly. By trying to translate this missing word, Quignard demonstrates the gesture of transposing the silence through body sounds and the traces of the experience
Palavras-chave : Literature and psychoanalysis; Translation; Transposition; Real; Jouissance.