Contextos Clínicos
Print version ISSN 1983-3482
NUNES, Mykaella Cristina Antunes; ANDRADE, Anne Graça de Sousa and MORAIS, Normanda Araujo de. Delinquent adolescents and family: a systematic review of the literature. Contextos Clínic [online]. 2013, vol.6, n.2, pp.144-156. ISSN 1983-3482.
This study conducted a systematic literature review to ascertain the state of the art on the theme "Family and delinquent adolescents" in the period 2007-2012. National and international scientific journals abstracts indexed in Bireme databases (Index Psi. Revistas Técnico-Científicas, PePsic, SciELO, LILACS, Medline) were selected through diffeerent combinations of descriptors. A total of 162 studies were located using the following criteria: it is within the period of analysis, it is written in English, Spanish and Portuguese and without duplicity. From the group, only 35 articles mentioned the family theme, and they were analyzed in full. There was a predominance of international studies with an empirical and a quantitative character. From the analysis three themes were identified: characteristics and functioning of delinquent adolescents family dynamics; adolescents' perception about their families, and methodologies for assessment and intervention aimed at the family. The results revealed that it is necessary to consider the practice of assisting the offeending adolescent with the same emphasis given to his/her family. The results also revealed that it has been a common practice to blame the family for the child's offeense.
Keywords : delinquent adolescents; family; systematic review.