Contextos Clínicos
Print version ISSN 1983-3482
FARINON, Salue Josielen and MENDES, Rudimar. Writing as a therapeutic approach for psychoses. Contextos Clínic [online]. 2016, vol.9, n.1, pp.124-132. ISSN 1983-3482.
This article intends to search elements that sustain the investigation about the function of writing, as therapeutic resource in the psychosis treatment, regarding as the central question what the subject of the psychosis has to say through the writing. Taking advantage of the psychoanalytic, the possibility of moving through the access to the unconscious was confirmed. This work has an exploratory nature, in which the data gathering was done based on the participation of the researcher and co ordinator of a Writing workshop from CAPS I, making use of a textual production from an user, a metapsychology field diary and the singularity listening for the construction of a case study of the paranoic psychosis. The theoretical background is the freudian-lacanian studies, as well as contemporaneous authors, who propose to us an understanding of the difference between clinical psychosis and the writing while a subjective emergency dispositive. The bibliographical survey and the speech analysis have stimulated the comprehension of the writing function on the experience of the user's mental health in relation of her sinthome. Based on this, it could be found that writing, in the case studied, has provided the registration of the psychosis, facilitating the construction of links and favoring the recognition as a speech holder.
Keywords : paranoid psychosis; writing; mental health; psychoanalysis.