Contextos Clínicos
Print version ISSN 1983-3482
LIMBERGER, Jéssica; TRINTIN-RODRIGUES, Vanessa; HARTMANN, Bruna and ANDRETTA, Ilana. Social skills training for drug users: systematic literature review. Contextos Clínic [online]. 2017, vol.10, n.1, pp.99-109. ISSN 1983-3482.
Literature describes that drug users have low scores in social skills and that these can be developed by the Social Skills Training (SST). However, they need systematizations about such intervention in the national and international contexts. Thus, the objective of his paper is to identify empirical studies on SST for drug users in treatment, analyzing how the intervention has been used, benefits and possible limitations of its application with this population. This study is a systematic review of literature on Medline Complete, Scopus, IBECS, Index Psi and LILACS. The descriptors and boolean operators "social skills" AND "training" AND "substance-related dis orders" were used. There were included five articles that contemplated the inclusion criteria: empirical article, having as target people with disorder by substance use and who have used SST in the treatment for drug use. It was observed that interventions have been performed to complement other techniques, being beneficial to the increase of social skills of drug users. However, most studies did not show results that were unique to the THS, so that there is the need for special tools for assessing social skills. This issue implies the need for studies to identify the effects of SSTT and describe its procedures in detail.
Keywords : social skills; training; substance-related disorders.