Contextos Clínicos
Print version ISSN 1983-3482
MUELLER, Andressa and CASTRO, Rosana Cecchini de. Our share of every session: an experience report in psychoanalysis of the borderline clinic. Contextos Clínic [online]. 2017, vol.10, n.2, pp.221-234. ISSN 1983-3482.
The present article (an experience report) brings the experience and the unfolding of a journey inherent to the graduation in Psychology, consolidated by the professional apprenticeship and, in this case, through the performance on the psychoanalytical clinic. By means of a report of the clinical experience, the therapist and her supervision group of clinical cases analyzed the direction, manifestation and intensity of the symptoms that suggested to be a psychopathological manifestation of the identified bordering recognized by the relation between the dyad. All the process of bonding and the dynamics which the group have addressed to was imbricated by the period of about a year and a half of psychotherapeutic care in which not only the transfers aspects were looked upon but mainly the countertransference aspects, in which we can observe, by the patient's incipient psychic dynamics, that summoned the therapist to regress to the dependence stages to offer some kind of motherhood. This process needs a reflexive help in order to promote attention to health, both to the therapeutical dual and to the bond itself, so that to keep promoting quality in the therapeutical process. Such reflective support is the supervision of clinical cases itself. The report comes as a way of systematizing and rationalizing this intense and unnameable experience lived, raising reflection, transforming the experience into knowledge.
Keywords : Borderline clinic; experience report; professional training.