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Contextos Clínicos
versão impressa ISSN 1983-3482
MELO, Cidiane Vaz; MAGALHAES, Andrea Seixas; CARNEIRO, Terezinha Féres e MACHADO, Rebeca Nonato. The dimensions of communication in the Freudian work. Contextos Clínic [online]. 2017, vol.10, n.2, pp.235-246. ISSN 1983-3482.
The concept of communication in the psychoanalytic theory presents a broad, comprehensive and difficult delimitation, making reflections and insights on this topic relevant. Communication brings in its scope the issue of inter-subjectivity, as it originates, is maintained and developed in connection with the other. This study aims to discuss Freud's ideas related to communication, seeking to explore his ideas on this subject from an eminently intra-subjective perspective to considerations related to the beginnings of a theory of inter-subjectivity. For this purpose, articles of Freud's work in which the communication issue was addressed were highlighted. From the theoretical investigation of Freudian texts, analysis of categories emerged, and for the purpose of presentation in this paper, the following were selected: communication as a call to the other; communication between instances; communication in the treatment and communication as inter-subjective psychic work.
Palavras-chave : communication; inter-subjectivity; psychoanalysis.