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Contextos Clínicos

versão impressa ISSN 1983-3482


COSTA, Dalton Breno et al. Personality and psychopathological aspects in animal hoarding measured through HTP. Contextos Clínic [online]. 2020, vol.13, n.1, pp.03-18. ISSN 1983-3482.

Animal Hoarding Disorder (AHD) is characterized as a special manifestation of Hoarding Disorder and psychopathology with a significant impact on the personality aspects of the individual. This study aimed to investigate personality traits in individuals with Animal Hoarding Disorder through the House-Tree-Person (HTP) Test. In addition, this study identified correlations between personality traits, the total amount of animals and the type of animal hoarded. The sample consisted of 29 participants with AHD, with a mean age of 61.39 years (SD = 12.69) and 69% were women. The mean number of animals per household was 55.35 (SD = 17.75), between dogs and cats. The most frequent responses observed in the HTP were: withdrawal (f = 88), anxiety (f = 77), organicity (f = 70), regression (f = 69), insecurity (f = 57), rigidity (f = 53) and need for safety (f = 44). Correlations were found between Dysfunctional Personality Traits and the type of animal hoarded. The HTP instrument was suitable for evaluating the characteristics of this sample, indicating the possibility of a personality profile for these individuals.

Palavras-chave : Animal Hoarding Disorder; Personality; Psychopathology; HTP.

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