Gerais : Revista Interinstitucional de Psicologia
On-line version ISSN 1983-8220
BOFFI, Letícia Carolina and OLIVEIRA-SILVA, Ligia Carolina. Facing the stats: strategies for maintaining women in STEM. Gerais, Rev. Interinst. Psicol. [online]. 2021, vol.14, n.spe, pp.1-27. ISSN 1983-8220.
Women that pursue careers in STEM have been statistically belittled in both the labor market and academia. Phenomena that help explain such a scenario are so-called "scissor effect," "glass ceiling," and "leaky pipeline," which address how women face obstacles that hamper their permanence in STEM, as well as their rise to power positions. Considering these issues, this article is a theoretical study that maps and discusses strategies that may contribute to increase the permanence and rise of women in STEM. We conclude that such strategies include initial actions within schools in childhood and adolescence, as well as in adulthood, concerning higher education, work environments and the construction of women's self-concept.
Keywords : Women; STEM; Career; Work; Strategies.