Revista Psicologia Organizações e Trabalho
On-line version ISSN 1984-6657
BORGES, Livia de Oliveira and TAMAYO, Álvaro. The cognitive structure of the meaning of work. Rev. Psicol., Organ. Trab. [online]. 2001, vol.1, n.2, pp.11-44. ISSN 1984-6657.
It proposes a model about the cognitive structure of work meaning that is composed by 4 facets: work centrality, value attributes (what must work be), descriptive attributes (what is work), and the hierarchy of attributes. The descriptive and value attributes are considered from their factor structures. To evaluate the empiric support of this model and to explore the existing relations among the referred facets, a study was developed with 622 employees in a dwelling building firm and two supermarket chains, applying structured questionnaire, in two versions (with the use of non-verbal resources), in conformity to educational level. Regression analyses were developed, that among other aspects, they show the independency of work centrality and the complexity of the relationship among the factors of value and descriptive attributes. The development of cluster analyses with a set of scores in the four facets show six patterns of work meaning, which are shared among the sample segments. The modal pattern is characterized for attribution of high work centrality and by articulating economic values (of the of life) with expressive values (success and personal realization). Byend, discuss about the proposed model and the found results, indicating the ways in which can be useful in the manager of persons
Keywords : work meaning; values; perception of work; building firm; supermarket chains.