Serviços Personalizados
Revista Psicologia Organizações e Trabalho
versão On-line ISSN 1984-6657
NEIVA, Elaine Rabelo e CORRADI, Ariane Agnes. Work and organizational psychology in Brazil: a social network analysis of post-graduate researchers. Rev. Psicol., Organ. Trab. [online]. 2010, vol.10, n.2, pp.67-84. ISSN 1984-6657.
This paper describes the informal networks of researchers in the field of Work and Organizational Psychology in Brazil. Post-graduate researchers self-reported on a set of content exchanged between them and on factors that influence their relationships with one another. Data was collected with an online questionnaire and the analysis used UCINET, NetDraw, and SPSS tools. The classification of the actors in the area of Work and Organizational Psychology was based on information available in their Curriculum Lattes. Results showed higher connectivity within sub-groups and more emphasis on the establishment of relationships with foreign researchers than with Brazilian researchers in related areas. There is limited participation of productivity fellowship holders in central roles, showing a weak relationship between networking and productivity. The conclusion discusses the evolutionary dynamics of the area and the role of individual and institutional variables in interpreting the results. Some suggestions for scientific knowledge policies are also presented
Palavras-chave : social networks; scholars; production of scientific knowledge; Work and Organizational Psychology.