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Revista Psicologia Organizações e Trabalho
versão On-line ISSN 1984-6657
KANAN, Lilia Aparecida e MARCON, Silvana Regina Ampessan. Training, learning, and empowerment: strategies to topple the myth of sisyphus. Rev. Psicol., Organ. Trab. [online]. 2012, vol.12, n.3, pp.355-365. ISSN 1984-6657.
This essay, based on a literature review and supported by the research of Brazilian and foreign scholars, discusses the processes of worker training, learning, and empowerment. These concepts are steeped in the perspective of mobilizing workers to take charge of the process of coping with situations potentially harmful to their well-being, a result of the unceasing reliance, typical in current-day organizations, on responses to the instantaneous, immediate, short-term, and urgent situations. Consideration is given to the changes in the workplace that require personal rearrangements, since they can mobilize the individual's ability to self-organize and present oneself as a new reflective worker. That is, a new subjectivity is required for workers today. In conclusion, it is considered that the adoption of emancipatory strategies that enable workers to position themselves as involved agents, questioning, accepting the full measure of their "doing", points to the need for intra-organizational training for them to function in these new work contexts. Through such strategies it is possible for workers to rethink, re-examine, and reinvent the tasks, the processes, and the organization of work. In so doing, workers may even reinvent themselves and their jobs. That said, planning the strategies to topple the Myth of Sisyphus involves the defense of emancipating, meaningful work that does not alienate nor expropriate those who perform it.
Palavras-chave : Learning; Human Resources Training; Empowerment.