Servicios Personalizados
Revista Psicologia Organizações e Trabalho
versión On-line ISSN 1984-6657
MENDONCA, Helenides; FERREIRA, Maria Cristina; CAETANO, António y TORRES, Claudio Vaz. Organizational culture, coping and subjective well-being: a study with brazilian's universities professors. Rev. Psicol., Organ. Trab. [online]. 2014, vol.14, n.2, pp.230-244. ISSN 1984-6657.
This study aimed to analyze the relationship between organizational culture, coping and subjective well-being. The subjective well-being was operationalized in terms of positive and negative emotions.514 university professors took part in the study. The following instruments were used: Brazilian Instrument for Assessing Organizational Culture, Occupational Coping Scale and Scale of positive and negative emotions at work. Correlation analysis results showed that the cultural practices of orientation and initiative, as well as the cultural values of cooperative professionalism are associated to subjective well-being. Results for the hierarchical regressions showed that the organizational culture effect on the subjective well-being at work are expressed in different manner to the positive and negative emotions The cooperation cultural values are associated to positive emotions and competitive values to the negative ones. The coping strategies of symptoms management mediated the relationship between initiative cultural practices and subjective well-being. This study contributes to explain the emotions variances at work.
Palabras clave : Culture; coping; Subjective well-being.