Revista Psicologia Organizações e Trabalho
On-line version ISSN 1984-6657
ANDRADE, Thiago Francisco de; BARBOSA, Silvânia da Cruz; SOUZA, Sandra and MOREIRA, Jansen Souza. Human values and job satisfaction of teachers and technical-administrative staff at a public university. Rev. Psicol., Organ. Trab. [online]. 2015, vol.15, n.4, pp.397-406. ISSN 1984-6657.
This research aimed to investigate the predictive power of human values and their subfunctions on job satisfaction among teachers and technical administrative staff of a public university. The study involved the participation of 192 professionals, mostly teachers (60.9%), men (55.2%), aged 23-67 years. The participants answered a questionnaire consisting of two scales: Job Satisfaction-short version (EST-R) and the Basic Values Questionnaire (QVB), plus a sociodemographic data sheet. The results indicate that the Relationship with supervisors is the greatest source of satisfaction among the two professional categories, while the major source of dissatisfaction among the technical-administrative group lies in the Promotion policy dimension. It was observed that job satisfaction of teachers and technicians have different axiological backgrounds; for example the satisfaction with Peers relationship was predicted by the value Emotion, among teachers, while it was predicted by the value Personal stability, among the technical staff. We believe that the results of this research can support the implementation of organizational policies as well as contribute to this field of study, with regard to understanding the relationships between emotions experienced at work and individual characteristics.
Keywords : Job satisfaction; human values; college teachers; technical staff.