Revista Psicologia Organizações e Trabalho
On-line version ISSN 1984-6657
SILVA, Ana Raquel and SILVA, Isabel Soares. Work-family conflict: a study of professional drivers. Rev. Psicol., Organ. Trab. [online]. 2015, vol.15, n.4, pp.419-430. ISSN 1984-6657.
This study aims to contribute to the understanding of work-family conflict among professional drivers, and the influence that other variables may have in that context. We analyzed the relationship between work-family conflict and socio-demographic variables (age), family context (number of children and their ages), and professional context (number of working hours, job satisfaction, and perception of supervisor and co-worker social support) in particular. Data were collected through a questionnaire administered to 154 male workers of a passenger transport company in the north of Portugal. The majority of the participants were aged 40-50, were married, and had children. Data showed that the drivers reported relatively low mean levels of work-family conflict. Results also showed that the age of their children, weekly hours worked, and the perception of supervisor support were significant predictors of work-family conflict.
Keywords : Workfamily conflict; social support from supervisors; social support from coworkers; professional drivers.