Serviços Personalizados
Revista de Psicologia da UNESP
versão On-line ISSN 1984-9044
SETTE, Catarina Possenti e GRADVOHL, Silvia Mayumi Obana. Emotional experiences of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Rev. Psicol. UNESP [online]. 2014, vol.13, n.2, pp.26-31. ISSN 1984-9044.
The impact of cancer diagnosis and treatment brings emotions in patients and families, it make necessary to pacients and relatives rebuild their lives from the changes imposed by the diagnosis. The psychologist executes an important role at this time to help pacient and families be able to fit in the best possible way after that. The present study aims to present an overview of psychology in the context of oncology, as well, as report on the work carried out from a field of Hospital Psychology Internship, developed in a private clinic of a tonw of São Paulo's state. Tha paper will descibre the activities, which were interventions with patients and families with psychological character during the user acceptance. The experience demonstrated the importance of working with cancer patients, mainly to improve the quality of life.
Palavras-chave : hospital psychology; psycho-oncology; cancer; psychologist performance.