Revista de Psicologia da UNESP
On-line version ISSN 1984-9044
BENELLI, Silvio José; PERICO, Waldir and COSTA-ROSA, Abílio da. For a non-normalizing psychologist in the public institutions field. Rev. Psicol. UNESP [online]. 2017, vol.16, n.1, pp.01-17. ISSN 1984-9044.
By inquiring the Psychology as a disciplinary science, and by describing its theoretical and technical possibilities for intervention, we have pointed out its paradigmatic boundaries as well as the ethical effects on production of social normality. How could Psychology seek to overcome the disciplinary determinations that are its classical constituent? The emergence of the concept of subjectivity in the area of disciplinary Psychology is producing a subversion in this field. It is moving it from a disciplinary perspective to a transdisciplinary. Regarding it, without necessarily ignoring contributions from other author's in the field, Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan's psychoanalysis provide technical and ethical frameworks which are fundamental for a unique way to provide tools for a psychologist who is not intended to be disciplinary, especially in the context of Public Institutions. The psychosocial psychologist, when used with cautious, advised and guided by the Other ethic, based on contextualizing the dominant social symptom in contemporariness, can operate and intercede by using a listening to the subject of suffering which is able to promote singularizing processes of subjective and sociocultural implication.
Keywords : Disciplinary Psychology; Psychosocial Care; Critical Clinic; Freud and Lacan's psychoanalysis.