Revista de Psicologia da UNESP
On-line version ISSN 1984-9044
LOURENCO, Mariane Cristina and RICCI, Éllen Cristina. Steps of a residente in the brazilian psychiatric reform: reflections and propositions from practice. Rev. Psicol. UNESP [online]. 2020, vol.19, n.spe, pp.168-189. ISSN 1984-9044.
The Psychiatric Reform is a group of colllective actions that aims reformulate the care model in Mental Helath. Their assumptions indicate a paradigmatic change that aims, among other things, social participation and active involvement of the subject in its treatment, seeking the strengthen its contractual power. The Mental Health User Associations are tools to provide political participation to this subjects, dialoguing with the Psychiatric Reform principles. This Experienxce Report pored over two Mental Health User Organizations that sought to promote contractual power and citizenship exercise. In addition to the characterization of these organizations, this report sought to present organizations and managements involved during the participation of this Mental Health Users in the III Mental Health and Human Right Forum ocurred in 2017 and organized by Brazilian Mental Health Association.
Keywords : mental health; user associations; citizenship.