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Revista de Psicologia da UNESP

On-line version ISSN 1984-9044


MACHADO, Ana Paula  and  RICCI, Éllen Cristina. Intersectoriality in child and youth mental health: articulations between a Psychosocial Care Center (CAPS) and Home Units. Rev. Psicol. UNESP [online]. 2020, vol.19, n.spe, pp.190-205. ISSN 1984-9044.

This experience report has as main theme the crosssectoral discussion as prime directive in the mental health care during childhood and adolescence. It aims to reflect on the challenges in effecting that, as well as the mental health care's potentials based in the work experience of an Occupational Therapist's, who was resident in Mental and Public Health at the University of Campinas (Unicamp), in a Center of Psychosocial Attention for Children and Youth (CAPSI) in Campinas city, between the years 2015 and 2016. It was decided to emphasize the actions of matrix support agreed between the CAPSI teams and some of shelters for minors that compose the city's social security network to discuss the topic. It was considered that the mental care offered in a crosssectoral network produced more efficient results to different demands of children and adolescents in psychic suffering.

Keywords : mental health; Center of Psychosocial Attention (CAPS); sheltered children; matrix support.

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