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vol.1 número1A modernidade da família modernaPaternidade, violência e drogadição: limitações psicossociais à saúde índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista do NUFEN

versão On-line ISSN 2175-2591


CRISTO, Dorotéa Albuquerque de. The construction of a relationship of help with bearers of the Syndrome of the Autism. Rev. NUFEN [online]. 2009, vol.1, n.1, pp.79-92. ISSN 2175-2591.

This rehearsal questions the classic conception and the treatment of children with the autism and proposes a phenomenological view, offering a new support to approach the question of communication with the autism bearers. A sensitive listening allows understanding these children and establishing with them a relation permeated with respect and social inclusion.

Palavras-chave : language; autism; comprehension; relation.

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