Serviços Personalizados
Revista do NUFEN
versão On-line ISSN 2175-2591
MAIA, Camila Moreira; GERMANO, Idilva Maria Pires e MOURA JR, James Ferreira. An dialogue about the concept of self between person centered approach and narrative psychology. Rev. NUFEN [online]. 2009, vol.1, n.2, pp.33-54. ISSN 2175-2591.
This paper aims at establishing a dialogue between Person Centered Approach and a few perspectives in Narrative Psychology, focusing their epistemological roots and their formulations on the concept of self. First a brief sketch of each perspective is presented and later some considerations are made about this tentative dialogue that explores the points of agreement and disagreement between these theories.
Palavras-chave : concept of self; Narrative Psychology; Person Centered Approach.