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Revista do NUFEN

On-line version ISSN 2175-2591


MOREIRA, Virginia. Convergence and divergence between Carl Rogers' and Frederick Perls' psychotherapies. Rev. NUFEN [online]. 2010, vol.2, n.1, pp.20-50. ISSN 2175-2591.

This article aims to discuss the similarities and differences between the Carl Rogers’ and Frederick Perls and collaborators’ psychotherapies. It presents as epistemological convergence between the two thoughts Goldstein's organismic theory, which is configured differently in both theories, as the realization tendency in Rogers, and the creative adjustment in Perls. Existential aspects of the two approaches are also epistemologically convergent. In clinical practice it can be found disagreement regarding the role of the psychotherapist - more active in Gestalt therapy and predominantly verbal in Person Centered Approach - as well as the harmonic Rogerian optimism as opposed to aggression in Perls. There is also disagreement concerning the positive character of the therapeutic process in Rogers, unlike the work of polarities developed by Perls. As exponents theories in the field of contemporary humanist psychology, its dialogical character appears as the most fruitful convergence.

Keywords : Psychotherapy; epistemology; Carl Rogers; Frederick Perls.

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