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Revista do NUFEN

versão On-line ISSN 2175-2591


OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, Edyr Batista de  e  CANCELA, Cristina Donza. What is this body? The metrosexual in discussion. Rev. NUFEN [online]. 2012, vol.4, n.1, pp.20-33. ISSN 2175-2591.

This article analyzes the body of the metrosexual as something "manufactured" and that merges male and female values and practices. With the realization of sixteen semi-structured interviews it was possible to talk about the metrosexual way of being present in the everyday life not only of the interlocutors self-acknowledged as metrosexuals, but also of those who tried to delineate their distance from this rating category. For many of the interviewed people, the metrosexual is not thought as an experience for themselves, but as lens to analyze the exercise of their masculinity, since there is a dialogue with the values and experiences ideally created for this neologism, but not necessarily the experience as touted through the means of media consumption.

Palavras-chave : metrosexual; masculinities; body.

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