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Revista do NUFEN

versão On-line ISSN 2175-2591


BRANCO, Paulo Coelho Castelo; MAHFOUD, Miguel  e  GIANORDOLI-NASCIMENTO, Ingrid Faria. Psychological and social phenomenological analysis of the novel The fifteen, by Rachel de Queiroz. Rev. NUFEN [online]. 2016, vol.8, n.2, pp.51-64. ISSN 2175-2591.

We analyze the novel "The Fifteen", by Rachel de Queiroz, in a psychological and social phenomenological perspective which establishes this literary work as elaboration resource of the culture from Ceará. We theorize about life-world in its relationship with the culture, by the dimensions of daily life, common sense and memory. We use the theory to investigate "The Fifteen", based on comprehensive aspects of drought as a significant element of belonging to a group, of a person's emigration and of the faith in the rain. We conclude that the alluded perspective may be extended to other literary productions representatives of the life-word and culture from Ceará, such as Iracema's legend and the raft sailor figure. consolidated psychic-social chains of determinism.

Palavras-chave : Culture; Phenomenology; Literature; Memory; Psychology and Literature.

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