Revista do NUFEN
On-line version ISSN 2175-2591
ABREU, Lorena Dias de and LOUZADA, Ana Paula Figueiredo. The Girl Dance: Pathologizing practices full time. Rev. NUFEN [online]. 2017, vol.9, n.1, pp.1-19. ISSN 2175-2591.
This article brings the assembly narrative, undertaking some analysis about the practices of medicalization / pathologizing children at school. Among the ways the narrative, we undertook some analysis about the "production of abnormal children" and the implied changes in this production among the schooling processes that become responsible for relating the performance of children with chronological age and the pace of development. For this, some practices in the school field were highlighted, its relationship with the normalization of children approach the historical constitution of the expansion of medical knowledge-power and hence the childhood field capture. We propose an analysis so that Poutou listening and sensitivity, using field diaries and mounting narrative with boys and girls, in order to highlight our experiences giving visibility to pathologizing practices and medicamentalização of children's behavior.
Keywords : Pathologization; Medicamentalização; Childhood.