Revista do NUFEN
On-line version ISSN 2175-2591
COSTA, Breno Augusto da. The Work Of A Psychologist In A Special Education Specialized Center: A Experience Report. Rev. NUFEN [online]. 2017, vol.9, n.3, pp.200-219. ISSN 2175-2591.
The paper contains a relate of the work of a psychologist in a special education specialized center in the Brazilian city of Uberaba from the existential phenomenological thought. The developed activities, like rodas de conversa, dialogued research, study groups and continuing formation of educators are presented, some of the psychologists reflections on it as well. Some emerging questions from the developed activities like the necessity of capacitation of the educators for their performance, medical reports in the educational context, education medicalization, lack of affectivity apropriation in the educational práxis and indiscipline are presented and discussed. In the final considerations some factors, such as the necessity of preventing the medicalization of pedagogical practice and arousing more initiatives like the related, and creating a unified education system as well, which contribute for an inclusive education and for the development of the educational field are pointed.
Keywords : Educational Psychology; Special Education; Inclusive Education; Existential Phenomenology.