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Revista do NUFEN

On-line version ISSN 2175-2591


ASSIS, Gustavo Alves Pereira de; MOTTA, Hinayana Leão  and  SOARES, Ronaldo Veríssimo. Talking about absent-presences: Experiences of suffering in maternal mourning. Rev. NUFEN [online]. 2019, vol.11, n.1, pp.39-54. ISSN 2175-2591.º01artigo44.

Death is an everyday fact that is also present in the lives of many mothers. To understand the experiences of suffering in maternal mourning, we used the qualitative approach and the phenomenological method for the unveiling of the senses of this experience. For this, we used the phenomenological interview, recorded and transcribed in full, with four participants. Seven essential constituents were found, which reflect a common structure of the maternal mourning: changes and difficulties in living, despair, pain, feeling of repentance and guilt, negative feelings triggered by memories, loss of a mode of existence, and loss of sense of world-of-life. Results pointed to intense suffering with physical and emotional repercussions. With the rupture in the habitualness of the being-mother, the child is announced before the suffering, being an indicative of a new presence: the absent one. The experience of mourning presented itself as an existential condition, a new way of being-with

Keywords : Maternity; Death; Phenomenological Psychology.

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