Revista do NUFEN
On-line version ISSN 2175-2591
CRUZ, Karine Dutra Ferreira da; GUERRERO, André Vinicius Pires and VIEIRA, June Scafuto; Nadjanara. Attention to crisis in mental health: a challenge for the brazilian psychiatric reform. Rev. NUFEN [online]. 2019, vol.11, n.2, pp.117-132. ISSN 2175-2591.
Responses offered for crisis situations in mental health, in the brazilia, health system is an analyzer on the brazilian psychiatric reform. It proposes a type of care that safeguards users rights, privileging reception, bond, territory and network of relations. The manicomial model institutionalizes care in hospital structures that violate users rights and deterritorializes them through confinement, generating rupture in social connections and social exclusion. There is constant tension between these two models of understanding insanity and the care offered in crisis situations. In this essay, the authors debate aspects they consider relevant for the reversal of mental health crisis attention model. To this end, they rely on the analysis of regulations, documents and initiatives of the Ministry of Health. They find it necessary for attention to crisis situations to be made within a territorial, community based and intersectoral care network, taking into account the users needs.
Keywords : Psychiatric Reform; Mental Health; Crisis; Psychiatric Hospitalization.