Revista do NUFEN
On-line version ISSN 2175-2591
DANTAS, Jurema Barros; BORGE, Jean Elyson Rodrigues and DUTRA, Adryssa Bringel. Between the death and the experience of finitude: History and dialogues with the contemporary. Rev. NUFEN [online]. 2021, vol.13, n.1, pp.41-55. ISSN 2175-2591.
There is a certain difficulty in contemporary times in dealing with death. In general, we think of the issue of death as a physical and / or biological event, neglecting our own ontological condition of finite beings. In this study we dialogue with the perspective of Phenomenology with the proposal to expand the understanding of death as a phenomenon traversed by multiple historical and social factors and, above all, by the inalienable condition of existence. The present essay was guided by an integrative literature review, in which we compiled productions and studies related to this thematic. We consider that the phenomenon of death in each socio-historical period presented certain specificities and, currently, this phenomenon is characterized by very specific ways of signifying and re-signifying the condition of man before his own finitude. We believe that these modes in the contemporary scenario gain the exacerbation of fear, denial and, often, of the recurrent avoidance of the belonging finitude condition of life.
Keywords : Death; Finitude; Culture; Contemporaneity.