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vol.6 issue1Time in psychoanalysis and cinema: the sense based on après-coupThe Desire as represented by Scriabin's op.57 nº 1: on music hermeneutics and psychoanalysis author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Trivium - Estudos Interdisciplinares

On-line version ISSN 2176-4891


LOMBARDI, Gabriel. The artist's complicity with chance. Trivium [online]. 2014, vol.6, n.1, pp.82-87. ISSN 2176-4891.

Maybe fortunate events are more frequent than we realize. Picasso used to say "I don't seek, I find". The difference between the artist and the common man lies not just in the talent or the technique, but also in the selection, much stricter in the common man than in the artist or the scientist - who allows the asleep genius to emerge from the unconscious-. Francis Bacon relies on chance, his critical sense does not paralyze him. What he finds by chance performs his desire. Paul Auster suggests that a windfall may be worth as an encounter with one's own decision, as an accidental meeting with his unconscious will. Escaping just in time from the deadly path of the vehicle, finding the energy and speed to do it, is an event of life - that turns a routinely and empty life alive again.

Keywords : Art; Psychoanalysis; Unconscious; Chance; Tyche.

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