Servicios Personalizados
Revista Psicologia e Saúde
versión On-line ISSN 2177-093X
PANOSSO, Mariana Gomide; GRIS, Gabriele y SOUZA, Silvia Regina de. Effects of a board game on children's food selection and intake. Rev. Psicol. Saúde [online]. 2018, vol.10, n.2, pp.103-123. ISSN 2177-093X.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of a Board Game on the selection and consumption responses of foods from different food groups. Three children (P1, P2 and P3) aged between five and six years old participated. The research was composed of three phases: Baseline (LB), Intervention/play and Post-Intervention (IP). In LB, food selection using figures and the subsequent consumption of these foods at lunch was recorded. In the Intervention, 12, 11, and 13 games matches were played by P1, P2, and P3, respectively, between the researcher and the participant. The Post-Intervention resembled LB. Comparing the data from the three phases to P1 and P3, from LB and PI to P2, it is noted that they consumed foods that they did not use to. The procedural variables of the game that helped the participants to increase the variety of food selection and consumption, as well as study limitations, were discussed.
Palabras clave : eating behavior; child food education; educational game.