Psicologia Ensino & Formação
Print version ISSN 2177-2061
BICALHO, Pedro Paulo Gastalho de and SOUSA, Claudete Francisco de. University extension in psychology formation and the vocational question: an analysis of the production of subjectivities in contemporaneous society. Psicol. Ensino & Form. [online]. 2010, vol.1, n.2, pp.35-46. ISSN 2177-2061.
The complex social, economic and political relations of our current Brazilian society -capitalist and neoliberal - were discussed in this text from the team's performance in a Psychology "pre vestibular" community. Through the analytical methodology of the vocational it discusses the concept of vocation and it begins the questioning of the subjective dynamic in this group of students. This study is developed on the idea of vocational guidance as a practice that, historically constructed and sanctioned by the place of the supposed knowledge of psychology, avoids the subject of the accountability for their choices. The phenomenon of evasion, seen as an analyser, allowed the discussion of the production of subjectivity in our capitalist society which is influenced by the neoliberal logic.
Keywords : Vocation; Choices; Neoliberalism; Production of subjectivity.