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Psicologia Ensino & Formação

Print version ISSN 2177-2061


SOARES, Luciana Loyola Madeira. Ethics and dialogicity in the Psychologist's formation. Psicol. Ensino & Form. [online]. 2011, vol.2, n.1, pp.77-94. ISSN 2177-2061.

This is a theorical study on the intersubjective processes that occur in classroom during the period of the student's graduation in Psychology. We emphasized the relational processes that occur between teacher and students interfere in bringing an ethic condition to the future psychologist as we considered this professional charged with the task of transformation. We consider the dialogical methodology as being the most valid resource a teacher can have in classroom in the context of a graduation course in which subjectivity is the main purpose of the studies.

Keywords : the student in the graduation in Psychology; subjectivity; ethics; dialogical approach.

        · abstract in Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )


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