Psicologia Ensino & Formação
Print version ISSN 2177-2061On-line version ISSN 2179-5800
OLIVEIRA, Gustavo Chagas; MURATA, Maisa Mie and SEI, Maíra Bonafé. The influence of Sensibilizarte project in psychologists training. Psicol. Ensino & Form. [online]. 2015, vol.6, n.2, pp.68-86. ISSN 2177-2061.
Despite of the perception about the necessity of a humanized and integrated view of health education, such contents are still not part of the curricula of most health related undergraduate courses. In this scenario, the Sensibilizarte project was created aiming at the humanized training of academic students from Londrina State University. So, this study addresses the role of Sensibilizarte project as a strategy for a humanized and integrated health education and training of psychologists who participate of the extension group. The research was exploratory-qualitative, carried out by means of semi-structured interviews. It can be concluded that, although the lack of topics on health humanization in psychology’s undergraduate curricula, the interviewees have considered their experience, in the project, important for the consolidation of their current professional view, also, they could accomplish a humanized professional learning, that can be extend to their personal lives.
Keywords : Health humanization; Artistic resources; Extension project; Psychology training.